
Conditional Labels in QGIS

I fairly commonly find myself in a situation where I would like to display one label for certain features and another for other features in the same layer. QGIS doesn’t have an official way to split labels up into categories, and until now I’d resorted to having two layers to render otherwise identical features.

Transit to Everywhere

Data courtesy MapQuest and OpenStreetMap CC-BY-SA, the City and County of San Francisco, and Bay Area Rapid Transit This is an overlay of the transit and walking trip plans generated by OpenTripPlanner from Powell and Market to every other intersection in San Francisco, after Eric Fischer’s map of walking routes to every intersection in San Francisco.

Google Maps Tile Scales

I found this buried deep in an appendix of the Mapnik XML Schema Reference, and I thought it so useful I am reposting it here: Zoom level Scale denominator 0