About me
I’m an assistant professor of City and Regional Planning and a quantitative methods consultant in the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My research focuses on computational methods in transportation, and in particular on public transport.
I hold an MA and PhD in Geography from Arizona State University.
From 2014 until 2017, I was as a Project Manager and Software Developer at Conveyal, a transportation consulting firm, where I worked on accessibility planning. I developed new algorithms to rapidly compute accessibility metrics for public transit systems, worked on implementing those algorithms on a high performance computing cluster with a user-friendly web interface, and worked with clients to apply those metrics to their transit projects.
Before joining Conveyal, I was a fellow in the Data Science for Social Good program at the University of Chicago. Here, I worked on a project to identify abandoned homes from administrative data, and to evaluate the effect of home abandonment on surrounding property values.
I received a bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of California, Santa Barbara. I focused on transportation and quantitative/computational geography, and undertook several transportation research projects. Before that, I attended Foothill College.